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Mission, Objectives & Strategy

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering - EFCE is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with voting members other than its charity trustees. It has an ‘Association’ model constitution, dated 9 December 2014.

From its very beginning, the EFCE has set itself the objective to be a platform for communication and a source of advice and support for: (1) European Institutions seeking expertise for their research programmes; (2) Learned Societies seeking contact with their counterparts; and (3) Individuals seeking advice or an exchange of experience


The objectives of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, as stated in its Constitution, are "for the benefit of the public to promote co-operation in Europe and elsewhere between non-profit making professional scientific and technical societies which share amongst their aims the general advancement of science and education of the public in chemical engineering and the encouragement of the development of chemical engineering."

By enabling like-minded societies in Europe to co-operate, EFCE encourages progress in chemical engineering by facilitating the exchange of information and opinion in meetings, congresses and journals, support leading researchers and emerging talent through medals and prizes, and enabling industrialists and academics from across Europe to discuss topics of common concern..



Mission Statement

approved by the Executive Board on 25 August 2008, update approved by the Executive Board on 13 April 2018

EFCE Will2018